GOP View of Democrats Sweating at Convention (Opinion)
As a Republican it’s difficult to take a Democrat Party Convention seriously. Between the booing of God contradicting charges Bernie is an atheist what are we to make of the sweltering spectacle? I should also note Cal Thomas has determined Mrs. Obama plagiarized a portion of her speech and he said so on Facebook:
Interesting info that the mainstream "media" didn't bother to check out but showed its bias by castigating Mrs. Trump. But, I MUST be MISTAKEN, the media are NOT biased-----NOT
"Stephen R. Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People listed the exact same principles in the exact same order as Mrs. Obama did as keys to success. He said "There is only one sure means of success. Number one, work hard for what you want in life. Number two, treat your word as your bond and always do what you say you're going to do. And number three, respect everyone and treat them with dignity even if you don't know them or agree with them. And always, always, take the opportunity to pass the values on to the next generation." So, if Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech then Michelle Obama plagiarized Stephen R. Covey."
I found some other signs the opposition is more serious about maintaining power than addressing the needs of the country. My thoughts are contained in the first video below. The second video is Twin Falls County Republican Chairman Steve Millington reacting to what he’s witnessed so far out of Philadelphia.
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