We are blessed with the freedom to vote for those in power and should exercise that right, but in Idaho does it mean as much as it does in other states?
Each state is different in terms of being a working parent, and one has to ask at times, what state is being a working dad the best and which state is the worst?
Many former members of the military are in Idaho, as they are in every state, but where is the best place for these former soldiers to spend their retirement?
We all need to escape daily routines from time to time and let the stress go away, but where is the best place to be to relax? Is living in Idaho too stressful?
An Idaho State Trooper arrested a former teacher wanted out of Minnesota on a conviction of sex crimes against children during a traffic stop in late November
Refugees and Islamic terrorists are once again at the top of the news this week. Many of the fears across the country are magnifications of life in Twin Falls, Idaho.
A sure fire way to deal with terrorism is to kill terrorists. All this claptrap about it breeding more is a spurious argument. It’s like saying Germany inspired the French Resistance through brutality. What Resistance? The numbers of Frenchmen and women violently opposed to the occupation were small...